Adults# About is a adult clan seeking recruits. To join you should be 18 years old and over.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

 Adults# About is a new adult clan seeking recruits. To join you should be 18 years old and over.
 We are an easy going friendly clan and we are looking for similar people who do not want any drama.
As we are mature and respectful to others we do not tolerate bad language. Members are asked to donate 100 per week. Wall breakers and goblins should not be donated unless requested. You can make unlimited requests for troops but you get what you get. You can make specific requests for troops and we will try to meet them. You cannot specify the level of troops you want however we are able to donate level 6 archers, barbs and giants and level 5 minions and hogs as well as level 3 pekkas and dragons. We are a generous clan with donations and expect you to be the same. Come and join us.

Clash of Clans adult clan. Join us in "Adults About"

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Join us in Clash of Clans! Adults # About

Only Adult members!

We are an easy going clan and are very generous with our donations. Members need to donate 100 a week but there is no limit on requests. We can donate level 6 troops, level 5 wizards and hogs, level 3 dragons and pekkas.

 International clan.